Same-day collection Free Orderbefore 5pm Monday-Fridayto collect in selected pharmacies the same day. Subject to the availability of your treatment in your selected pharmacy.
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If you change your mind about a product that is not a prescription or a pharmacy medicine you must let us know no later than 14 days after the day we deliver it. If your purchase is split into several deliveries over different days, the period runs from the day after the last delivery...
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Free prescription delivery Delivery is free on all prescription medicines, including ones that need to be kept in the fridge. We deliver to any address in the UK. Local when you need us Want to see a pharmacist in person? Choose to collect your prescription at your local LloydsPharmacy inste...
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Online Prescription Service at LloydsPharmacy, supporting you online and in-store with both private and NHS prescriptions from your GP.
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However, if you think you might have an STI, you can test immediately and repeat the test after the window period (you will need to purchase two test kits for this). Accessing results Test results are normally ready within 3 working days of your sample arriving at our partner laboratory. ...