The article reports on the trial of hub and spoke dispensing model by Lloydspharmacy company in north west England. Pharmacies participating in the trial have sent scripts to the hub, where the medicines are dispensed and returned to the pharmacies. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (...
Individual CBT: Face to face CBT treatment. Very useful if you are uncomfortable discussing your depression with others but want direct contact. Can be used for other levels of depression. Mild to moderate depression Talking Treatments:There are many forms of talking treatments, of which CBT is ...
HPV is contagious and it is estimated that unprotected sex has a 70% chance of passing on the infection to a partner. Even using condoms and other barrier methods of contraception will not totally eliminate the risk as there will still be direct skin-to-skin contact. Symptoms of genital wart...
When you’re buying a pharmacy, you want to make sure that you’re getting the right price, and the sale goes well. Purchasing a pharmacy Why you need a robust GP partnership agreement Oliver Pool, Partner at VWV explains why it’s vital to have a written GP partnership agreement. ...
The article reports on the wholesale entry into the contact lens price competition that is being considered by British turnover chemists chain Lloydspharmacy in 2006. Lloydspharmacy is piloting over-the-counter sales of contact lenses. The company's strategy include telling customers that they offer... ...
The article reports that Llyodpharmacy director Andy Murdock has questioned the British government if it sees community pharmacy as a spreadsheet exercise and not as an important service provider due to their dissatisfaction with the 2011-2012 contract settlement....
Lloydspharmacy achieves company-wide IiP status.Reports on the Investors in People (IiP) award given to Lloydspharmacy including all its branches, regional offices and its head office. Areas where the company introduced many changes and improvements....
“It is important to speak with a GP if you’re concerned about hair loss. They can help you to find the safest and most effective treatment for you. LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor offers online consultations where if suitable you can be prescribed the correct treatment.”-Dr Bhavini Shah ...