“Mr. Denton on Doomsday” Season 1 Episode 3 aired October 16th 1959 written by Rod Serling Stars Dan Duryea, Martin Landau, Jeanne Cooper, Malcolm Atterbury, Ken Lynch, Arthur Batanides, Robert Burton and Doug McClure “A Stop at Willoughby” Season 1 Episode 30 aired May 6, 1960 direct...
Clara Bow Claude Akins Claude Rains Claudette Colbert Claudia McNeil Cleavon Little Cleo Moore Cliff Robertson Clifton Webb Clint Eastwood Clive Revill Cloris Leachman Clu Gulagher Clytie Jessop Coleen Gray Colin Clive Colleen Dewhurst Collin Wilcox Paxton Conrad Nagel Conrad...
And while you might say thatThe Sea Hawk(1924)shows deference to other religions as being the more humane, by the end of this film, all religions directed by man alone, from Christian to Muslim are capable of barbarity, capable of cruelty, and the horrors of slavery, torture and blood th...