“Mr. Denton on Doomsday” Season 1 Episode 3 aired October 16th 1959 written by Rod Serling Stars Dan Duryea, Martin Landau, Jeanne Cooper, Malcolm Atterbury, Ken Lynch, Arthur Batanides, Robert Burton and Doug McClure “A Stop at Willoughby” Season 1 Episode 30 aired May 6, 1960 direct...
By 1956 the Santa Ana Freeway plowed through downtown LA, demolishing Arcadia Street and the south end of Sanchez, including three of the eight Garnier storefronts. While the five north storefronts more or less survive, store 6 appearing prominently during Police is lost. The back windows ...
I'll have three hundred agents come up here into this little hick town and crawl up every orifice you got. When it's over, you can go to your favorite proctologist and get a nice, soothing ointment, and rub it on the hole that hurts most. How do you want it? How do you want ...
The Town that Dreaded Sundown 1976 The Uninvited 1944 The Wicker Man 1973 The Wolf Man 1941 The Wolf Man 1943 Tourist Trap (1979) Vampire 1970 Vampyr 1932 What Ever Happended To Aunt Alice? 1969 What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?(1962) White Zombie 1932 Trailers True Crime...
Harold Lloyd's most-famous comedy features him as a sales clerk in a department store who finds himself hanging off the hands of a collapsing clock on the side of a skyscraper high above the streets of downtown Los Angeles. Harold's legendary building climb is breathtaking—and hilariously fu...
We provided the Afghan military with equipment and aircraft and the skills to use them. Over the years, they often fought bravely. Tens of thousands of Afghan soldiers and police officers died. But in the end, we couldn’t provide them with the will t...
“Maybe that guy Garth used it while you were out of town.” “Not possible. Garth’s been in Toronto on the same business I was. He’s still there. Besides, he hates guns.” “Who else had access to the keys?” “No one.” ...
The last remaining hospital in Port-au-Prince with the resources to perform the embalming would be the General Hospital near Champ de Mars, sources told CNN – but urban warfare between gangs and police have turned the iconic downtown park area into a volatile no-man’s land. ...
Fifty years ago, in 1964, the curtain rose on “Fiddler on the Roof” — the first large-scale Broadway musical based on a Jewish-Yiddish classic. The plot takes place in a Jewish town in Russia and is based on the stories of Tevya the Dairyman written by the greatest Yiddish humorist...