第一、LLM是一个更偏向学术的学位,这种学位的特点是有很多不同的concentration(分支),比如 Urban Affair(城市事务研究), International Law(国际法),Intellectual Property Law(知识产权法)等。 第二、有一部分学校LLM仅招收国际学生,而这样的学位使得有些学校的LLM没有concentration(分支),更多的是一个LLM的general(...
宾夕法尼亚大学法学院 University of Pennsylvania Law School 本校LL.M.不需要LSAT内转J.D.。密西根...
Master of Laws vs. Master of Legal Studies While LLM online programs require that students have a J.D.,Master of Legal Studies (MLS) programsare typically open to students from a variety of backgrounds, as long as they have at least a bachelor’s degree. MLS degree programs help students...