Working directly with the highest ranking officials in government, DJ’s efforts led to the establishment of nearly 40 Chief Data Officer roles across a vast array of departments and programs. Patil’s experience in national security initiatives is extensive, and for his efforts was awarded by Sec...
deliver, tailor, or support a product or service and include general administrative, maintenance, and support processes. AI to automate these internal processes was the top choice from our survey of data analytics leaders, ranking ahead of customer experience...
Evaluate video retrieval (without re-ranking): exportMASTER_PORT=12345exportWORLD_SIZE=4exportMASTER_ADDR=localhost torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc_per_node=${WORLD_SIZE}\ howtocaption/ \ --resume pretrained/dual_encoder_retrieval.pth\ -c configs/VL_training/dual_encoder_retr...