苹果秘密推出其首个开源LLM,Ferret 苹果公司悄悄推出了Ferret,这是其首款开源多模式大型语言模型(LLM),这标志着其与传统秘密方法的重大背离。Ferret与哥伦比亚大学合作开发,将语言理解与图像分析在各个领域具有开创性的应用前景。这一战略举措反映了苹果致力于在快速发展的多模式人工智能领域保持领先地位。 揭开Ferret的面...
Apple has publicly shared four open-source models boasting of enhanced accuracy for queries, which could help the development of future AI models. As the tech industry continues to race forward with AI developments, Apple has continued to offer more glimpses into the technology it is wor...
其中包括 10 亿美元估值的 Snorkel 初创团队就是 Christopher Ré 的学生。此外,Ré 曾创办过一家数据挖掘公司 Lattice,仅在一轮天使轮后就被 Apple 以两亿美元收购。 Ré 也是知名的大模型社区 Hazy Research的意见领袖,指导着 Standford AI/ML PHD 活跃运营 Hazy Research,并协助 SambaNova 获得学界和开源社区的...
Open licenses are still permissive, but they have some additional limits. For example, Llama 3's license allows commercial useup to 700 million monthly usersandblocks certain uses. You or I could build something with it, but Apple and Google can't. Similarly,Gemma 2's prohibited use policy...
OneFlow编译 翻译|杨婷、宛子琳 (引自[12, 20])语言模型的研究历史可追溯到早期的模型,如GPT、GPT...
( "data/apple-10Q-Q2-2023.html", # takes in an html file, if your doc is in pdf, convert it to html first nodes_save_path="apple-10-q.pkl" ) # run the pack response = embedded_tables_unstructured_pack.run("What's the total operating expenses?").response display(Markdown(f"{...
For more than a decade, dictation has been deployed on smartphones in the form of Apple’s Siri, Google’sAssistant and numerous others. However, such systems have been limited in their ability to recognizedomain-specific words or consistently extract complex instructions. In 2022 OpenAI released...
Apple M 系列 CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_METAL=on"pip install llama-cpp-python 英伟达显卡: CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_CUBLAS=on"pip install llama-cpp-python AMD 显卡: CMAKE_ARGS="-DLLAMA_HIPBLAS=on"pip install llama-cpp-python SGLang 引擎
Optimized for Apple Silicon Macs with the Apple M1 chip or later, Private LLM for macOS delivers the best performance. Users on older Intel Macs without eGPUs may experience reduced performance. Please note that although the app nominally works on Intel Macs, we've stopped adding support for ...