非法学专业背景的申请人如果在CPE(Common Professional Examination)/GDL(Graduate Diploma in Law)考试中获得了优异成绩(60%)也可申请,均分最低要求70/75/80 (4)语言成绩要求: 雅思要求:总分7.0,写作7.0,其余单项5.5 托福要求:总分100,写作27,阅读18,听力17,口语20 PTE要求:总分76,写作76,其余单项59 (5)官网...
Constitutional Law 宪法 Administrative Law 行政法 Tax Law 税法 Immigration Law移民法 Environmental Law 环境法 Health Policy and Law 卫生政策与法律 Civil Litigation 民事诉讼 Family Law 家庭法 International Law 国际法 Labor Law 劳动法 American law 美国法 选择分支方向一般对选课有要求,比如某门课程或者某...
为了更好的迎合国际学生学术研究需要,法学院为法律硕士(LLM)学生特别开设了四个研究方向,分别是:美国法和全球法律研究(U.S and Global Legal Studies),知识产权法(Intellectual Property Law),国际商法(International Business Law),国际刑法(International Criminal Law).每一年来自15个国家,超过80名的学生在凯斯西储...
专业分支方向—LLM LLM分为General Program和Specialized Program,一般来讲,大多数院校只提供General Program,学生可以任意选修课程。少数院校开设Specialized Program,开设不同的分支,美国LLM的常见分支为: Business & Commercial Law 商法 Criminal Justice/Law 刑法 Intellectual Property Law 知识产权法 Litigation and Disp...
Immigration Law and Policy Administrative Law and Regulatory Practice 3. LLM的主要课程内容 Administrative Law Advanced Clinical Practice Seminar Advocacy for Children and Youth Criminal Law and Administration Environment Law Employment law 4. LLM的修业时间或学分 ...
7311 移民和难大陆法(Immigration and Refugee Law) (3) 座谈会、研讨会和问题课程 COLLOQUIA, SEMINARS, AND PROBLEM COURSES 7123中国法:传统与现代化(Chinese Law: Tradition and Modernization)(3) 7146比较法哲学(Comparative Legal...
ability to defray education and living expenses while in the United States. This information is required by the U.S. Government for immigration purposes. (Not required of citizens or permanent residents of the U.S.) Please contact intl-llm@law.miami.edu for any questions regarding these forms...
careless grateful porridge shopkeeper anchor obtain language science olympics pole machine immigration ...
有留港意向需要提前了解IANG - 全称 Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (非本地毕业生留...
Immigration Law International Arbitration International Business Dispute Resolution International Investment Law and Arbitration International Negotiation and Mediation International Trade Policy Law and Economics Mergers and Acquisitions Public International Law ...