Find LLM programs in Health Care Law History of Health Care Law It is difficult to locate a precise starting point for health care law as a discipline in England and Wales – there are some that argue that it has existed in some form or another since the onset of law in society. The...
Wharton Business and Law Certificate 宾大法学院(University of Pennsylvania Law School, Penn Law)和宾大沃顿商学院(Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania)展开合作,为Penn Law的LL.M.学生专门设计了沃顿商业和法律证书(Wharton Business and Law Certificate, WBLC)项目。 WBLC项目将为学生提供金融、战...
除了 General LLM 以外,Georgetown 还提供了超过 10 个的 LLM 项目,包括环境法、Global Health Law、Global Health Law& International Institutions 、国际商法与经济法、国际法学研究、国际关系法、国家安全法、证券与金融监管法、税法等。这些项目中,最弹性的就是 General Study LLM。国际经济法 LLM 和证券法 LL...
While most graduates of traditional law programs around the world [at least three years of classroom study in the civil or common law tradition] will qualify for the New York Bar, we advise you to have this confirmation before beginning your LL.M. study. Many civil law trained and some ...
LL.M.课程为期一年,主要是为以后期望成为法律教职和学者的学生设立。LL.M.学生除了可以非常自由的选自己中意的课程,耶鲁法学院甚至还鼓励学生按照自己的学术背景和兴趣开设新的课程,Graduate Programs Office对此也会提供许多协助。 斯坦福法学院Stanford Law School ...
Human Security Law International Law New Technologies Law Private Commercial Law Public Law 开学日期:2月和7月 入学要求: 需要有要求的本科专业背景 均分要求:211/985:75分,双非:85分
网址: 项目简介 每年耶鲁录取的LL.M.学生极少。这个LLM项目旨在培养学生将来致力于法学教学职业(a career in teaching law)。 没有固定的课程安排。所有的课程都是可选性的。学生可以根据自己的专业领域兴趣来选择课程,设计...
此外还有Masters of Public Health / LL.M. (Johns Hopkins University / GULC),该项目的学生需要在约翰·霍普金斯大学完成第一年的公共健康硕士课程,第二年则在乔治城完成LL.M. in Global Health Law项目的学习。 还想知道LLM就业的那些事...
The Role of Technology in Modern LLM Programs: How AI and Blockchain are Shaping Legal Studies Technology is revolutionizing legal LLM in Admiralty Law 21/01/2023 LLM in Mental Health Law 17/01/2023 LLM in Tax Law 17/01/2023 LLM in Religious Law 17/01/2023 LLM in Property ...
Our LLM Law provides a challenging legal education. It is flexible and allows you to explore your own interests whilst developing an advanced knowledge of the principles of law. Read more Best programs for you Answer a few questions and we'll match you with programs! Queen's University Belfast...