文献地址:PromptCast: A New Prompt-based Learning Paradigm for Time Series Forecasting 代码地址:github.com/HaoUNSW/PISA One Fits All: Power General Time Series Analysis by Pretrained LM, in Neurips 2023. 文献地址:arxiv.org/abs/2302.1193 代码地址:github.com/DAMO-DI-ML/N Temporal Data Meets ...
18.Tapilot-Crossing: Benchmarking and Evolving LLMs Towards Interactive Data Analysis Agents 19.ERBench: An Entity-Relationship based Automatically Verifiable Hallucination Benchmark for Large Language Models 20.SaulLM-7B: A pioneering Large Language Model for Law 21.Towards Safe and Aligned Large Lan...
在论文《A decoder-only foundation model for time-series forecasting》中,谷歌研究人员尝试设计了一个时间序列基础模型,在零样本(zero-shot)任务上取得了不错的效果:论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.10688 该研究中,研究者设计了一种用于预测的时间序列基础模型 TimesFM,其在各种公共数据集上的 zero...
NLP Applications: In the field of data analysis, MGSM supports the development of AI systems capable of handling mathematical queries and tasks. For instance, an AI-powered data analysis tool could assist researchers in performing statistical analyses, generating visualizations, and interpreting results...
在论文《A decoder-only foundation model for time-series forecasting》中,谷歌研究人员尝试设计了一个时间序列基础模型,在零样本(zero-shot)任务上取得了不错的效果: 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.10688 该研究中,研究者设计了一种用于预测的时间序列基础模型 TimesFM,其在各种公共数据集上的 zero-shot...
the challenge remains in effectively aligning the modalities of time series data and natural language to leverage these capabilities. In this work, we present Time-LLM, a reprogramming framework to repurpose LLMs for general time series forecasting with the backbone language models kept intact. We ...
# 'timegpt-1-long-horizon' is the model variant for long horizon forecasting fcst_df = time...
他指出,首先,论文中使用图表(特别是图 6)以视觉方式展示模型性能是一个初学者的错误。Christoph Bergmeir 和 Hansika Hewamalage 在其教程《数据科学家的预测评估:常见陷阱和最佳实践(Forecast Evaluation for Data Scientists: Common Pitfalls and Best Practices)》中明确指出,生成预测的视觉吸引力或其可能性不是评价...
在论文《A decoder-only foundation model for time-series forecasting》中,谷歌研究人员尝试设计了一个时间序列基础模型,在零样本(zero-shot)任务上取得了不错的效果: 论文链接:https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.10688 该研究中,研究者设计了一种用于预测的时间序列基础模型 TimesFM,其在各种公共数据集上的 zero-shot...
Please refer torun_main.pyandrun_m4.pyfor the detailed description of each hyperparameter. Further Reading 1,Large Models for Time Series and Spatio-Temporal Data: A Survey and Outlook, inarXiv2023.[GitHub Repo] Authors: Ming Jin, Qingsong Wen*, Yuxuan Liang, Chaoli Zhang, Siqiao Xue, Xue...