大型语言模型(LLMs)已经迅速改变了我们生活的方方面面,展现出了在自然语言理解和生成方面的非凡能力。对于开发人员来说,学习如何利用LLM API来构建创新且强大的应用程序是一项必备技能。本文介绍的内容来源于Andrew Ng与OpenAI合作的免费课程,提供了一种系统化的方法来掌握LLM开发。不管你是LLM的新手还是想提高技能,这个...
大家好!今天继续和大家分享Coursera新推出的生成式AI大语言模型课程(“Generative AI with Large Language Models”)的开箱体验!📚 这周课程主要介绍了如何对LLMs模型进行有引导的微调(finetune),以适应特定的应用场景。同时,也探讨了微调后模型对其他使用场景能力下降的问题。📊 课程还讲解了如何评估模型的效果,以...
Coursera Duke University Alfredo Deza Noah Gift CS: Software Engineering USA Beginner 4 Weeks 5-10 Hours/Week Yes, Paid Exam and/or Final Project Paid Certificate 45.00 EUR/month English English Basic programming experience and understanding of Bash and Linux. ...
From: https://www.coursera.org/learn/introduction-to-large-language-models/home/week/1 Bard 预测后面的文字。 完成一些指令。 算是一种特殊的 Instruction Tuned。 Tuning: 为了特定领域而微调。 Fine-tuning: tuning every weight in the LLM is an extensive training job. 继续。。。
Coursera: Natural Language Processing Specialization(Andrew Ng教授主讲) Udacity: Deep Learning Nanodegree 7.2 开发工具推荐 PyTorch:一个易于使用且功能强大的深度学习框架。 transformers库:一个基于PyTorch的NLP工具库。 7.3 相关论文推荐 BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understandi...
现在感觉LLM 已经是必学不可得一个知识了。 这里跟着coursera上面的AWS和deeplearning.ai 一起开的这门入门课一起入门一下。课程是全免费的,笔记既然都已经做了,就分享出来好了。 这节课总共三周,这个笔记内容是第一周的lab1部分 Generative AI with Large Language Modelswww.coursera.org/learn/generative-...
Quantization: post training quantization transforms a model's weights to a lower precision representation, such as a 16-bit floating point or eight-bit integer. This reduces the memory footprint of your model. Pruning: removes redundant model parameters that contribute little to the model's perform...
国内高校法学院执牛耳者北京大学的王世洲教授,也在Coursera上开设中国刑法课程:刑法学总论 Criminal Law。 通过MOOC,全世界的人们可以免费获得越来越多的网络课程,更重要的是,通过这些平台,全世界的人们可以一起交流学习,甚至在学习结束时,完成课堂作业后,你能获得网站颁发的专业证书,证明你已经完成了此课程,获得相关专...
Master the world of Large Language Models through this comprehensive specialization from Coursera and Duke University, a top Data Science and AI program. Dive into topics ranging from generative AI techniques to open source LLM management across various platforms such as Azure, AWS, Databricks, local...
Coursera Duke University Data Science USA Beginner 4 Weeks 5-10 Hours/Week 44.00 EUR Beginner experience in programming languages, Git for version control, and using a text editor for development. Enroll in course MOOC List is learner-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we may...