Step1. Install 1.1 exe安装 坑点1: Python版本 坑点2:安装顺序 1.2 插件安装 Step2. 配置 Ryan.H:vscode+xmake+clangd配置vulkan开发环境13 赞同 · 9 评论文章 上一篇在vscode下通过xmake实现了对本地和远程库的编译链接流程,也通过clangd实现了智能补全、语法检查和格式化等IDE功能,这篇继续在这个基础上实现...
use “Install from VSIX…” command to install. 一、解决办法 下载codeLLdb codeLLdb下载地址 打开vscode后选择 扩展->视图和更多操作->从VSIX安装 选择下载的插件文件 安装好之后的界面 二、使用步骤 重启VSCode,不再提示 Acquiring CodeLLDB platform package 总结...
本次分两种情况,1、在VSCODE上debug TVM;2、直接用lldb debugTVM 零、前言: 首先确定编译TVM的时候添加cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_type=DEBUG 一、VSCODE: 1、首先安装需要的插件:1、CodeLLDB 2、FFI Navigator 3、python 4、C/C++ 2、在python中 安装pytest(pip install pytest ),使用这个的时候注意将.py后缀的...
找到.vscode文件夹,将文件夹拖入vscode中,创建tasks.json,配置如下: {"version":"2.0.0","tasks":[{"label":"Build with clang",// 任务名称,与launch.json的preLaunchTask相对应"type":"shell","command":"clang++",// 如果用MinGW,编译C用gcc,编译c++用g++"args":["${file}","-o",// 指定输出...
选择要安装的目录后,点击install完成安装 在控制台输入xmake --version检查是否安装成功 在vscode中创建c++项目并运行调试 在桌面新建一个test目录,并右键选择使用vscode打开 按住快捷键ctrl+shift+p调出vscode命令弹窗,并选择Xmake:CreateProject 右下角会提示xmake.lua not found!错误,选择Create a new xmake project!
vscode lldb 插件, 由于国外网站下载十分慢, 故此贴出, 安装方法: 点击左侧的Extension图标,选择"…"这个选项,然后在弹出的菜单栏中选择Install from VSIX. 上传者:yidi0979时间:2020-04-10 离线安装CC++和CodeLLDB插件.rar VScode的离线安装包,github下载太慢。 cpptools-win32.vsix,vscode-lldb-x86_64-windows... 1. Install the following packages viaapt sudoaptinstallclang-10llvm-10-dev liblldb-10-dev 2. Create soft links for executable files so things can work as expected ...
OS: Windows 10.0.19043 Build 19043 VSCode version: 1.72.2 CodeLLDB version: 1.8.1 Compiler: gcc When I install the extension in a WSL remote window and reload, this pops up and is endlessly stuck. Installing it in a normal window seems t...
In order to install packages for use in CodeLLDB, you will need to use the LLDB: Command Prompt command in VSCode, followed by pip install --user <package>.Stdio in Python scriptsstdout output will be sent to the Debug Console stderr output will be sent to the Output/LLDB panel...
CodeLLDB plug-ins: Visit and download codelldb-x86_64-windows.vsix for Windows or codelldb-xxxx-linux.vsix for Linux.Open DevEco Device Tool, go to Visual Studio Code > > Views and More Actions > Install from VSIX, and install the C/C++...