[];++const serverMode = config.get<boolean>('serverMode', false);+if (serverMode) {+const { host, port } = await this.startServer(dapPath, dbgArgs, dbgOptions);+return new vscode.DebugAdapterServer(port, host);}-return undefined;++return new vscode.DebugAdapterExecutable(dapPath, dbgArg...
The extension requires thelldb-dap(formerlylldb-vscode) binary. This binary is not packaged with the VS Code extension. There are multiple ways to obtain this binary: Use the binary provided by your toolchain (for examplexcrun -f lldb-dapon macOS) or contact your toolchain vendor to include ...
[lldb] Remove more references to lldb-vscode (llvm#69696) Browse files There are some uses of "vscode" in `lldb/packages/Python/lldbsuite/test/tools/lldb-dap/dap_server.py` where I'm not sure if it's referring to the adapter or VS Code itself, so those remain....
master .github .vscode bin src tests LLDB.ts MiddlewareDap.ts MiddlewareProtocol.ts VSCodeServer.ts extension.ts paths.ts tsconfig.json .gitignore .vscodeignore LICENSE.TXT README.md package-lock.json package.json prettier.config.js sleep.py tslint.json yarn.lockBreadcrumbs lldb-vscode /src/...
A native debugger extension for VSCode based on LLDB debugger vscode-extension lldb Updated Jan 26, 2025 Rust DerekSelander / LLDB Star 1.8k Code Issues Pull requests A collection of LLDB aliases/regexes and Python scripts to aid in your debugging sessions python debugging ios xcode lldb...
(added) lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/locations/TestDAP_locations.py (+77) (added) lldb/test/API/tools/lldb-dap/locations/main.cpp (+13) (modified) lldb/tools/lldb-dap/DAP.cpp (+8-9) (modified) lldb/tools/lldb-dap/DAP.h (+5-5) ...
stripping (with command strip and flags -S -p) in /nix/store/y02l0yp7lbg19bssf1x1izjyvcppkj7p-lldb-19.1.7-lib/librewriting symlink /nix/store/i46d4b8pngwx7w8dc96n0ydydgywrw8i-lldb-19.1.7/share/vscode/extensions/llvm-org.lldb-dap-0.2.0/bin/lldb-dap to be relative to /nix/stor...
[2022-06-12T20:09:07.881Z DEBUG codelldb::dap_codec] <-- {"seq":158,"type":"event","event":"output","body":{"output":"Process exited with code 0.\n"}} [2022-06-12T20:09:07.881Z DEBUG codelldb::dap_codec] <-- {"seq":159,"type":"event","event":"exited","body":{"...
This patch is a reworking of Pete Lawrence's (@PortalPete) proposal for better expression evaluator error messages: #80938 Before: $ lldb -o "expr a+b" (lldb) expr a+b error: <user expression 0>:1:...
dap-php.el dap-pwsh.el dap-python.el dap-ruby.el dap-ui.el dap-utils.el dap-variables.el dapui.el mkdocs.yml Breadcrumbs dap-mode / Latest commit leungbk [dap-lldb] Change :type to lldb-vscode, per the docs (emacs-lsp#373) ...