第二个就是联邦税降为$188,609. 那么这个PTE election 给这个partner 总共省了$13,482 的税。 为了让大家更加清晰。Taurus Financial 还做了具体的比较计算图。大家可以看下边这张纽约的比较计算: 看了纽约的,我们来看一下加州的。 例2 - 加州的partnship / s-corp 加州和纽约类似。唯一不同的是加州的PTE ...
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使用S-corp,只需将资金从您的商业银行账户转移到您的个人银行账户,就可以将工资和费用后的剩余利润作为现金分配。在一定限度内,这些分配可以免税;向我们经验丰富的税务律师询问有关如何运作的更多信息! 但另一方面,有限责任公司通常更适合出租物业和主要处理加密货币的公司。对于 S-corp,增值资产的分配通常会触发应税...
To structure an LLC like an S Corporation, you will have to appoint directors. The primary owners can be appointed. Keep in mind the S-Corp directors are responsible for keeping the corporation operating in good standing with the state, managing the corporation’s business including annual/quarte...
股份有限公司(Corporation)与S公司(S-Corp) 美国的股份有限公司和中国的几乎大同小异,都是用于建立公司的独立法人地位从而将公司责任和个人责任分离开来,使得公司的债权人不能向公司股东的个人财产追讨债务。而S公司和C公司的主要区别在缴税模式的不同,S公司更加趋向去合伙的缴税模式,即仅对公司的成员征税而不会对公...
S-Corp的营收或者亏损是需要和个人所得税一起报的,所以S-Corp英文叫做pass-through tax entity. 因为...
S类股份有限公司是C类股份有限公司的衍生版,公司本身不需要缴税,利润分配给股东缴纳个人所得税。 股东必须是美国公民或美国绿卡持有者,且人数不得超过100人。 同样适合于有稳定利润的经营性生意和业务。 三、有限责任公司Limited Liability Corporation LLC对成员的种类没有限制,可以是美国公民/居民、非美国居民。不适...
Ability to change tax structure (e.g., S Corp election) No limit on number of members Subsidiaries with no restrictions Non-U.S. citizens or residents can be members LLC cons: Pay self-employment taxes (15.3%) File additional tax forms More difficult to raise money Cannot issue stock Limit...
you've received a certificate of incorporation showing that your business has been registered and incorporated, you must file form 2553 with the IRS. The form, called the Election by a Small Business Corporation, changes the company's tax reporting status if the Internal Revenue Service approves ...