Whileforming an LLCas entreprenuer, you are stuck between S Corporation vs. LLC, do not worry. In this article, we have tried to make you familiar with both business structures, their difference, similarities, advantages, and disadvantages over each other. Hence, before you choose any of them...
the same goes for a PLLC. By default, it will be taxed as a sole proprietorship (if a single member PLLC) or a partnership (if a multi-member PLLC), with all business profits and losses passed through to the owners’ personal income tax returns. The profits are also subject to...
Series LLC vs Professional LLC (PLLC): A Detailed Comparison Series LLC vs. LLC (Traditional LLC): Similarities & Differences Arizona LLC Publication Requirement Series LLC: What is A Series LLC? How Does it Work? LLC Write Offs: 22 Tax Benefits that Small Businesses can Avail through Tax De...
In Michigan, professionals in licensed industries like law, medicine, and more can organize as a professional limited liability company (PLLC), an LLC organized for a professional service business. If you create a PLLC, much of the process will look the same as a regular LLC. But there are...
A few states require notice to be published in a newspaper that an LLC has been formed. States with this requirement for LLCs include Arizona, Nebraska, and New York. The Published Notice of Formation Service can be added to a BizFilings LLC Formation Service order in each of these s...
Arizona doesn’t have many specific extra requirements for naming a professional LLC (PLLC). They have to meet naming requirements for regular LLCs, with one exception: the designator needs to be “professional limited liability company” or an accepted abbreviation (PLLC, PLC, P.L.L.C., or...
Publish an announcement in a local paper (New York, Arizona, and Nebraska LLCs only[10][11][12]) LLC owners also need to file an annual report with the state every year or every 2 years. Annual reports keep your LLC's records with the state up to date and accurate. Businesses that...
If you live in a community property state such asArizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin your spouse might need to sign the Form 2553 even if he or she is not a shareholder. As a side bar, community property laws originate from Spanish pr...
Arizona LLC Arkansas LLC California LLC Colorado LLC Show All Related Topics Compare Business Structures Compare Business Structures Tax Filing Bank Account Business Credit Cards Insurance Cost Funding LLC FORMATION THAT'S FAST AND SIMPLE Take it from real customers ...
Arizona LLC Arkansas LLC California LLC Colorado LLC Show All Related Topics Compare Business Structures Compare Business Structures Tax Filing Bank Account Business Credit Cards Insurance Cost Funding LLC FORMATION THAT'S FAST AND SIMPLE Take it from real customers ...