LLC Name Availability New Delaware LLCs will need to confirm that no other business in Delaware is already using their preferred name. When you submit a Company Name Availability Search with Harvard Business Services, Inc., our team will make sure that your name is unique enough so that is ...
We’ll help you check your business name's availability, complete an LLC name search, establish a unique brand, and more.
Check name availability:OurPennsylvania LLC Namepage has information about how to use the business entity search tool. It also explains details about name rules in Pennsylvania. Step 2: File the Pennsylvania LLC name change form The Pennsylvania LLC name change form is called theCertificate of Amen...
There are several guidelines to be aware of when naming an LLC in Delaware: The LLC’s name must be distinguishable from those of any existing businesses registered with the state, whether they are other LLCs, corporations, nonprofits, or partnerships. The availability of a proposed business ...
Check if your LLC name is available as a web domain and on major social media platforms, as this is vital for your online marketing and branding. Use ourdomain name search toolfor availability checks. Trademark Research Trademarks happen at both the federal and state levels. You can check the...
Forming a new business entity in Delaware entails filing a formation document, paying fees, getting a registered agent, and much more.
The process for starting a business in Delaware is nearly the same process that a U.S. citizen would go through: 1. Name Your Company Find a name for your business by performing aname availability searchon the Division of Corporation’s website. Once you’ve found an available name,...
Enter all or part of your business name in the “Name” box. There are additional choices and boxes, but they are designed to help you find a specific business—not determine the availability of your business name. Click “Search.” You’ll see a list of all the registered businesses in...
Fast Delaware Filing Time (3 Days) Your approved incorporation documents will be uploaded to your online account within3 business days.. Verify Company Name Availability 1 year of Delaware registered agent service Preparation of Articles of Organization ...
Yes, most LLC formation websites offer a number of other online business services. Even the most basic and cheap LLC formation services also include a business name availability check to ensure that your business name is available. While the exact services offered by these companies vary, you’...