In this paper, a LLC tank is introduced to phase-shifted full bridge circuit followed by the literature [4], the advantages of this converter are:All switching MOSFETs can achieve ZVS in very wide load range, the lagging legs can achieve very low turn of f current.Low voltage stress on ...
Fig.1 Cascaded four-switch Buck-Boost LLC converter桥臂S1、S2与桥臂S3、S4构成前级四开关Buck-Boost变换器,桥臂S3、S4与二次侧开关器件VD1、VD2、S5和S6构成后级半桥LLC谐振变换器;Lb为中间电感,uAB为两端电压;Cbus为中间电容,Vbus为电压;T为变压器,电压比为n1,Lm为励磁电感;Lr为谐振电感,Cr为谐振电容,...
全橋相移式轉換器 (PSFB) 一直被視為高功率 DC/DC 轉換的最佳設計。但最近出現一種叫做全橋式 LLC (FB-LLC) 的新技術,人們認為將此技術適合用於高功率 DC/DC 轉換。在本系列三部曲中,我們將深入探討 PSFB 和 FB-LLC 各有哪些優缺點,然後我們會比較 PSFB 與 FB-LLC 之間的
Hybrid modulation of parallel-series LLC resonant converter and phase shift full-bridge converter for a dual-output DC-DC converter[J]. IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2019, 7(2): 833-842. [7] Wu Hongfei, Li Yuewei, Xing Yan. LLC resonant converter with...
I. Introduction – the LLC Converter Historically, buck-derived topologies have dominated the design choices in DC-DC converters. These topologies include the buck, push-pull, forward, half-bridge, full-bridge, phase- shifted full-bridge, etc. While it seems that there is an endless myriad of...
Sam Abdel-Rahman, “Design of Phase Shifted Full-Bridge Converter with Current Doubler Rectifier,” Infineon Technologies North America (IFNA) Corp., Design Note DN Jan. 2013, V1.0, Jan. 2013, 20 pages. Steve Mappus, “Current Doubler Rectifier Offers Ripple Current Cancellation,” Texas Instru...
Normally, in this converter the MOSFETs of the half-bridge leg are alternately switched on and off (180 ° out-of-phase) for exactly the same time. This is commonly referred to as an operation at "50% duty cycle", although the real duty cycle, e.g.: the ratio of the on-time of ...
• The Burst power is set high enough to provide reasonable LLC converter efficiency and low enough to avoid acoustic noise and excessive output voltage ripple. • When burst on, the average capacitor voltage should settle to VIN/2 as fast as possible for best efficiency. • The switching...
J. Lu and A. Khaligh, "1kW, 400V/12V high step-down DC/DC converter: Comparison between phase-shifted full-bridge and LLC resonant converters," in 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2017, pp. 275-280....
To maintain reasonable light load efficiency it is necessary to operate the LLC converter in burst mode. In this mode the LLC converter operates at relatively high power for a short burst period and then switching is stopped for a time period. During the burst period excess charge is ...