个人独资经营业主、合伙人、小型企业股份公司股东在内的个人 (Sole Proprietors, Partners, S Corporation Shareholders),如果在申报税表时,预期要缴纳$1,000美金及以上的税金,一般需要缴付季度预估税。股份公司 (Corporations) 在申报税表时,预期要缴纳$500美金及以上的税金,一般需要缴付季度预估税。若纳税人所付税金...
Partnership这种公司结构,从法律上的利弊来讲,我们一般也不推荐。 股份有限公司(Corporation)与S公司(S-Corp) 美国的股份有限公司和中国的几乎大同小异,都是用于建立公司的独立法人地位从而将公司责任和个人责任分离开来,使得公司的债权人不能向公司股东的个人财产追讨债务。而S公司和C公司的主要区别在缴税模式的不同,...
LLC vs. corporation is an important decision that every business owner makes. Each structure has its benefits, which means choosing the option that fits your business requires a good amount of research. Sole Proprietorships When you're planning a new business, you must do some careful planning,...
An LLC is a “hybrid” between a Corporation and a Sole Proprietorship. It harnesses the advantages of both while leaving behind their disadvantages. Let me explain. The disadvantage of a Corporation is what’s called “double taxation”. The Corporation must pay taxes at the federal level, an...
While it is certainly a good problem to have, those additional layers of complexity that come with success may require a change of structure from a sole proprietorship to an LLC. “If you grow as a sole proprietorship and expand your team or have s...
1. 联邦税务:作为LLC公司,根据美国联邦税法,LLC公司可以选择以合伙企业(partnership)、个人所得(sole proprietorship)或者公司(corporation)的形式纳税。大多数LLC公司选择以合伙企业的形式纳税,利润和损失会在股东个人的纳税申报中体现。 2. 特拉华州税务:特拉华州对LLC公司征收的税费相对较低,通常只需要缴纳年度报告费用...
In this post, we'll cover the basics of setting up an online shop as a sole proprietorship, an LLC, or a corporation.
Each business structure has its own advantages and drawbacks. Find out whether a sole proprietorship or an LLC is better suited for your next business.
You like the option to choose between being taxed as a sole proprietorship, partnership, or corporation You want a business structure with fewer formalities and less paperwork than a corporation You prefer pass-through taxation, where you report business profits and losses on your personal tax retur...