Day5:Llama Llama Time to Share 拉玛的分享时刻 Day6:Llama Llama Home with Mama 生病和照顾妈妈 Day7:Llama Llama and the Bully Goat 拉玛和山羊小霸王 Day8:Llama Llama Gram and Grandpa 拉玛在外祖父母家 羊驼拉玛是情景...
but this is what we're going to do: 但是接下来我们有件事要做: I'll put Fuzzy on the stairs until you're sure that you can share. 我会把Fuzzy放在楼梯上,直到你们确定你们会分享。 Nelly's sorry.Llama, too. 内利感到很抱歉,拉玛也是。 It's time for something else to do. 是该做点什...
英文启蒙最关键的就是坚持不断的高质量输入,聆听大量地道、原汁原味的语言示范,累积语音辨识能力,引导出潜藏的语言天赋,才是最好的起步。(大量的高质量输入,才能有优质的输出) 通过大量优质的语言输入,营造语言环境,让孩子每天都接触英文,培养起对英文的熟悉感,自信心,不觉得英文是陌生的,慢慢的不排斥英文,学会英文...
” Mama comes to the rescue and fixes Fuzzy, but she makes it clear: “I’ll put Fuzzy on the stairs, until you’re “sure” that you can share.” Fun to read aloud and helpful to children and parents alike, “Llama Llama Time to Share” is for any child who needs a little...
资源分享 l Llama Llama Time to Share - 《羊驼拉玛系列》视频+音频+拓展相关素材 今日英文故事 小羊驼拉玛是一个调皮的小家伙。他最擅长的莫过于“拉玛式”的恶作剧了,简直就是个抓玛小王子(Drama Llama:爱“作”的拉玛),发...
And Llama, don't forgot to share. 拉玛,别忘了分享。 Trains and trucks and puzzles, too. 这儿有火车、卡车也有拼图。 What's the Gnu girl want to do? 格努家小女孩想玩什么呢? Play with kitchen? Build with blocks? 玩厨房?堆积木?
️今天跟大家分享羊驼拉玛系列的故事,名字叫《Llama Llama Time to Share》,羊驼拉玛正在玩玩具的时候家里来了客人,妈妈让他和新朋友一起分享玩具。但是两人争抢起来,毛绒玩具竟然被扯坏了……最后Llama和新朋友玩的怎么样呢?️Llama Llama has new neighbors! Nelly Gnu and her mama stop by for a play ...
绘本《Llama Llama Time for Share 拉玛学会分享》,Penguin Random House 绘本内容 小羊驼拉玛是一个调皮的小家伙。他最擅长的,莫过于“拉玛式”的恶作剧了。发飙、耍赖、歇斯底里的哭喊都是他的拿手好戏。作为拉玛的妈妈,她该怎样哄住拉玛呢……《羊驼拉玛》是一套美国非常著名的图画书,是《纽约时报》书榜常年...
And Llama, don't forgot to share.拉玛,别忘了分享。Trains and trucks and puzzles, too.这儿有火车、卡车也有拼图。What's the Gnu girl want to do?格努家小女孩想玩什么呢?Play with kitchen? Build with blocks?玩厨房?堆积木?Llama opens up his box.拉玛打开了他的盒子。Nelly ...
Fun to read aloud and helpful to children and parents alike, Llama Llama Time to Share is for any child who needs a little encouragement in sharing.DewdneyAnnaSchool Library Journal