§typically asymptomatic unless progression toregurgitationhas occurred, which may manifest with symptoms of heart failure such as dyspnea at rest operipheral arterial aneurysms may also be associated with Marfan syndrome ·aortic root dilation and regurgitation more common in men with Marfan syndrome, wh...
This was a multicentre, randomised, placebo controlled, 6-week trial comparing the efficacy of LI 160 (600mg/day) and placebo in 151 out-patients suffering from somatization disorder (ICD-10: F45.0), undifferentiated somatoform disorder (F45.1), or somatoform autonomic dysfunctions (F45.3). The...
In the international classification of pathologies ICD-10, pelvic ganglioneuritis does not have its own designation. This disease belongs to the class of neuralgia, which is why some of its types can be found under the codes B00-B99. According to reviews, pelvic ganglioneuritis usually develops...