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LL Flooring Holdings, Inc., together with its subsidiaries, operates as a multi-channel specialty retailer of hard and soft surface flooring, and hard and soft surface flooring enhancements and accessories. The company offers hard and soft surface flooring including, waterproof hybrid resilient, waterp...
News Transcripts & Insights SEC Filings Press Releases Related Analysis LLFLQ Stock Price 1D 5D 1M 6M YTD 1Y 5Y 10Y MAX Basic Advanced -100.00% LL Flooring Holdings, Inc. price and volume Combination chart with 2 data series. Chart represents LL Flooring Holdings, Inc. price and volume...
LL Flooring Holdings, Inc. (LL)0.8438 0.004 (0.45%) 08-09 16:00 Open: 0.7803 High: 0.9 Volume: 563,781 Pre. Close: 0.84 Low: 0.78 Market Cap: 26(M)Technical analysis 2024-09-13 4:34:59 PMShort term Mid term Targets 6-month : 0.71 1-year : 1.15 Resists First : 0.61 ...
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LL Flooring首席执行官Charles Tyson辞职,董事会缩减规模 公司资讯 发布时间 2024-11-2 04:410 LL 0.00% LL Flooring Holdings, Inc. (OTC:LLFLQ),前身为Lumber Liquidators,今天宣布Charles E. Tyson已辞去总裁兼首席执行官职务,同时也辞去了公司董事会的职务,即刻生效。这家总部位于弗吉尼亚州里士满的公司表示,...
LL Flooring Holdings, Inc. (“LL Flooring” or the “Company”) (NYSE: LL), today announced that the Company and certain of its subsidiaries have commenced voluntary Chapter 11 reorganization proceedings in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware (the “Bankruptcy Court”). LL...
LL Flooring出售门店,保命! 为了避免破产清算,LL Flooring 将其约一半的门店出售给了创始人,同时还将一个大型仓库出售给了数据中心巨头。根据本周的一份法庭文件,这家总部位于里士满的零售商通过资产出售筹集了约1.44亿美元。 LL Flooring 的创始人兼前首席执行官汤姆-沙利文(Tom Sullivan)领导的佛罗里达州迈阿密海滩私...
紐約證券交易所將開始針對LL Flooring Holdings的退市程序 0.00% 0.00% 該公司普通股將立即暫停交易。 紐約證券交易所監管機構在披露該公司及其某些直接和間接子公司根據《美國法典》第11條第11章向美國特拉華特區破產法院提交自願救濟申請后做出了決定。
9月5日,据外媒报道,美国地板商LL Flooring将完全停业。 从申请破产保护,关闭约四分之一的门店,并寻找可能接手其余门店的买家,仅两周的时间,该公司已转向全面清算。 这意味着公司很快将关闭其近400家门店,并裁员近2000名员工。 上周,公司向其本地员工发出了裁员通知,其中包括300名在Libbie Mill总部的员工和119名...