LLBean JAPAN EDITION.Photo by:ins @ beams_official û收藏 9 13 ñ20 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...潮樂志官方微博 Ü 简介: THE WAY TO POP STYLE. 更多a 12关注 249811粉丝 9776微博 微关系 他的关注(12) 原神那点事 ...
每款手提袋都拥有各自不同色调,其灵感来自夕阳,当这些托特袋按深浅明暗的正确顺序排列时,将产生一种类似日落渐变的效果。LL Bean 的托特袋向来很有市场,即便在品牌故乡美国,一只 LL Bean 古着帆布包,售价三位数相当正常。此番由 adam et ropé 诠释的 LL Bean 托特包仅在日本发售,喜欢的朋友不要错过。 官网...
回溯L.L. Bean和Converse的合作,最开始竟始于上世纪90年代。现在,Converse Japan携手这个满载复古情怀的美国户外品牌,再度推出一个特别胶囊,包含Chuck Taylor All-Star球鞋、Boat & Tote包袋以及头巾。 此次经典的Chuck Taylor以“狩猎风格”进行改造,并且变得更加耐磨,配备了加固板与超坚韧的防水帆布鞋面,旨在增强承受...
Look. I can’t completely guarantee that another video out of Japan involving exploding boobs won’t start making the rounds on the internet. This is the internet and they are Japan. Why, it’s an entirely possibility that by six p.m. tonight, you’ll have watched nine Japanese videos t...
This maple leaf-shaped caked filled withanko(red bean paste) is the prefecture’s most popular food souvenir. Momiji means maple leaf in Japanese and these are just as cute as they are tasty! Cuteandtasty. You’ll find these treats in almost every souvenir shop in Hiroshima Station stuffed...
...Except that's not strictly true. As we've remarked before, the Birthday Cake Frap can still be yours thanks to the beauty of theStarbucks Secret Menu. Just ask your barista to toss a pump or two of hazelnut syrup into your Vanilla Bean Crème Frap and you'...
L.L. Bean Drops New JAPAN EDITION Outerwear Capsule The retro-tinged outdoor line is designed by a Japanese team for the Japanese customer. By Nico Gavino/Jan 2, 2025 37.4K 0 Fashion BEAMS Remixes L.L. Bean's Classic "Boat and Tote" Bag Combining the archival L.L. Bean Zipper Duf...
“Championship Edition” subtitle, and starring David Platt on the artwork—had one of my dad’s mates come upstairs to see what match was on, so realistic was its crowd noise (even though, if memory serves, it was actually recorded at a lackluster game involving Tranmere Rovers). I loved...