将带有量词的歧义语法转换为LL(1)语法的方法是通过消除左递归和提取左公因子来消除歧义。以下是具体步骤: 1. 消除左递归:对于每个产生式A -> Aα | β,其中α和β是任意符号串,将其转换为A...
This is my first attempt of writing a grammar for a new (python-like) language I'm trying to parse using a Recursive Descent parser. I have no background on EBNF, context-free grammar and parsing and I'm finding it really difficult to clearly define what I want. For example, take t...
When the language can be expressed as an LR(1) grammar. A grammar is LR(1) if gogll can generate a conflict-free parser for it. When the input is very big, for example: log files containing tens of thousands of lines. Motivation for a separate lexer ...
For example, ability to send a push message to hundreds of thousands of machines is only restricted on the client side, and can thus be bypassed with a modified client. tremwil/ds3-nrssr-rce CVE-2022-24348 (2022-02-04) Argo CD before 2.1.9 and 2.2.x before 2.2.4 allows directory...
For example, URLLC traffic can be scheduled on a smaller TTI duration to achieve its low latency goal, and eMBB traffic can be scheduled with a long TTI duration BS Figure 4. Coexistence of URLLC ...
Multi-valued fields can specify an exact number of parameters or a range (e.g., 0..*, 1..2). Supports Map options like -Dkey1=val1 -Dkey2=val2, where both key and value can be strongly typed. Parser tracing facilitates troubleshooting. Command-line argument files (@-files) allow ...
OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL = NO # Doxygen selects the parser to use depending on the extension of the files it # parses. With this tag you can assign which parser to use for a given # extension. Doxygen has a built-in mapping, but you can override or extend it # using this tag. The ...
IOC Fanger (and Defanger) Python library for fanging (`hXXp://example[.]com` => `http://example.com`) and defanging (`http://example.com` => `hXXp://example[.]com`) indicators of compromise in text. ioc_parser Tool to extract indicators of compromise from security reports in P...