Sri Lankan Rupee to United States Dollar converter. 1 LKR is 0.003431 USD. So, you've converted 1 LKR to 0.003431 USD. We used 291.459000 International Currency Exchange Rate. We added the most popular Currencies for our Calculator. You can convert LKR to other currencies from the drop ...
Convert LKR to USD with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Sri Lankan rupee / US dollar rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.
Sri Lankan Rupee to United States Dollar converter. 1 LKR is 0.003431 USD. So, you've converted1LKRto0.003431USD. We used291.459000International Currency Exchange Rate. We added the most popular Currencies for our Calculator. You can convertLKRto other currencies from the drop down list. Selling...
Convert New Zealand Dollar to Sri Lanka Rupee with the Western Union currency converter.Send NZD and your receiver will get LKR in minutes.
Read today's US dollar currency update Read the daily USD update from the currency specialists at OFX and get the latest on market movements and today's expected ranges of the major currency pairs. Read the USD update Ready to send money from the USA? 1. Open an account Complete the ...
Today ( Sunday 01/12/2024) 1 CZK = 12.14726 LKR Bid Price:12.14119 Ask Price:12.15333 Convert Sri Lankan Rupee To Czech Koruna Updated:01/12/2024 08:52UTC Currency: CZK - Czech Koruna LKR - Sri Lankan Rupee Conversion Rate: 1 CZK =12.14726LKR ...
Today ( Friday 06/12/2024) 1 COP = 0.06571 LKR Bid Price:0.06567 Ask Price:0.06574 Convert Sri Lankan Rupee To Colombian Peso Updated:07/12/2024 11:59UTC Currency: COP - Colombian Peso LKR - Sri Lankan Rupee Conversion Rate: 1 COP =0.06571LKR ...
Mängder av pund, dollar och pesos. Currency Converter är endast en app för information och nyheter om valutakurser och inte en plattform för valutahandel. Informationen som visas utgör inte finansiell rådgivning. Växelkurser Kambodjansk riel/Lankesisk rupie 1 KHR 0,07203 LKR ...
Check today's US Dollar to Sri Lankan Rupee exchange rate with Western Union's currency converter. Send USD and your receiver will get LKR in minutes.
Convert SGD to LKR with the Wise Currency Converter. Analyze historical currency charts or live Singapore dollar / Sri Lankan rupee rates and get free rate alerts directly to your email.