Peopleforegoes a "Book of the Week" for the books of fall.The list is now online.People’s “Picks” includes the filmOfficial Secrets, based onThe Spy Who Tried to Stop a War: Katharine Gun and the Secret Plot to Sanction the Iraq Invasionby Marcia Mitchell, Thomas Mitchell (William C...
Good Morning. My name is Lisa Joyce Goes. I am co-author of The Thinking Moms’ Revolution book, co-founder of The Thinking Moms’ Revolution, social thought movement, a contributing editor to Age of Autism, and a human rights panelist for The Academy of Excellence in Learning in the sout...
• Coffee with a Candidate: School board candidates G.R. Gordon-Ross and Shannon Kimball, 10-11:30 a.m., S&S Artisan Pub & Coffeehouse, 2228 Iowa St. • Local Authors & Artists Outside: George Frazier (author) and Karen Matheis (artist), 10-11:30 a.m.,...
📚 By the Book 💫在这部聪明的 YA 浪漫喜剧处女作中,非常适合 Kasie West 和 Ashley Poston 的粉丝,一个痴迷于 19 世纪文学的青少年试图从她最喜欢的经典女主角那里挑选关于生活和爱情的建议,但结果却是灾难性的——尤其是当她爱上了学校的居民 Lothario 时。 ✨玛丽·波特-马尔科姆(Mary Porter-Malcolm)...
按照之前显示屏行业分析师 Ross Young 的爆料来看,应该是明年的 iPhone 17 Pro 会用上单挖孔,Face ID 的其他硬件都放在屏下。 然后,再下一个革新应该是在 iPhone 19 Pro 上前置摄像头也放到屏下,实现真正的全面屏。这个产品更新路线可参考一下!#数码科技 #科技启示录 #iphone #手机数码科技 7 英雄联盟幸运...