RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook Thesaurus ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1. agamid lizard- a lizard of the family Agamidae agamid lizard- relatively long-bodied reptile with usually two pairs of legs and a ...
This video that shows how a Southern Alligator Lizard can move on its belly by pulling itself slowly ahead with its front legs while tucking its back legs up against the body to hide them, or maybe just to get them out of the way. This behavior might be an attempt to fool any prospect...
How the Lizard Got Back Her LegsIlana Waters
In the animal kingdom, creatures that rely on four legs to move around (called quadrupeds) exhibit some interesting behavior. During… 15 Most Terrifying Spiders Found in Japan Japan is a beautiful country with something for everyone. If you love exploring the breathtaking countryside and experi...
Often this lizard can be approached closely, since it relies on crypsis as a defence against predation, but when frightened it runs quickly into a burrow, under a surface object, or under vegetation. The tail is often broken off when a lizard is captured, but it will grow back with time...
they hold so fast to a branch on which they are sitting that they can only with difficulty be dislodged. Their movements are slow on the ground, and still more so in the water, where they are nearly helpless. As in ant-eaters, woodpeckers, or frogs, their tongue is the organ with whi...
The frilled necked lizard (Chlamydosaurus kingii) is so called because the large ruff of skin usually lies folded back against its head and neck. The neck frill is supported by long spines of cartilage that are connected to the jaw bones. When the lizard is frightened and its mouth gapes...
“They weren’t a band who wanted to be on the radio or TV or wanted to do press, even back then,” remembers Dave McClain, who had graduated from intern to marketing coordinator to project manager during his 13 years at ATO. “In 2017, I told my wife, Bianca, that I knew King ...
As soon as it sees an opportunity to escape, the frilled-neck lizard simply runs to the safety of a nearby tree. The lizard lifts up its upper body and runs swiftly on its hind legs like humans. This unique frilled lizard running style enables it to run safely on uneven grounds covered...
In addition it rears up on the hind legs, hisses, thrashes its tail on the ground, and it might even jump towards an attacker hoping to scare them off. My dog was impressed. But if our Frilly Lizard realises that the attacker is not impressedit turns and runs for the nearest tree ...