In the wake of Calypso’s defeat, Curt embarked on a search for a permanent cure to his condition. To that end, he created a modified version of his original regeneration formula. Connors’ assistant, Aldo Quadrini, injected this new serum into a severed fragment of the Lizard’s tail, wi...
on the age of the animal. This theory is elegantly put forward by the authors: “It is not the mature photoreceptors that evolve; it is the developmental processes that shape them.” The main argument for this theory is the observation that the three subtypes of pinealocytes coexist in a...
targeted studies are needed to clarify this question. In small-sized reptiles, preference for lower body temperatures was proposed to be an antipredator strategy, because a lowered ‘goal’ for behavioural thermoregulation
targeted studies are needed to clarify this question. In small-sized reptiles, preference for lower body temperatures was proposed to be an antipredator strategy, because a lowered ‘goal’ for behavioural thermoregulation
from Original Description Citations for the Reptiles and Amphibians of North America © Ellin Beltz Meaning of the Scientific Name Sceloporus - Greek -skelos leg and porus - pore or opening - refers to the femoral pores on hind legs occidentalis - Latin - western - refers to its western ...
During cooling, the lizards were turned onto their back (no more than four times per individual) until itself when placed on they reached its b ack86. CTmin, considered as the Tb at which the lizard was no longer able to right After at least 48 h, the heating experiments...
(Gymnophthalmidae) and a complete ethogram based on ex situ observations (34 different types of behaviors including positions and simple movements). Through the design of conspecific stimulus experiments, we were able to recognize leg-waving as a visual signal, as it is only displayed in ...