The LIXIL Group's LIXIL Water Technology business is a leader in the field of plumbing fixtures, with annual sales of about US$5.0 billion. The company's dominant market position derives from its multi-brand range that includes GROHE, the global leader in luxury water faucets, and American St...
Global(EN) Other LIXIL sites Global Toward Sustainable Growth Make Better Homes a Reality for Everyone, Everywhere Meaningful Design and Technology Touching Lives Worldwide Toward Sustainable Growth Make Better Homes a Reality for Everyone, Everywhere ...
Lixil Group Corp Unsp ADR 最新股价 22.69 更改% 0.98 添加到投资组合 添加到观察表 添加到预警 最近的10笔交易 USD 时间 最新股价 成交量(股) 9:37:41 PM 22.69 - 9:13:47 PM 22.69 - 7:59:45 PM 22.69 - 6:05:09 PM 22.69 - 5:49:37 PM 22.69 - 2:10:00 AM / 2/...
集团介绍 骊住作为一家从事建材和住宅设备行业的日本知名企业,100 多年以来,麾下的成功品牌始终汲取传承精髓,融合未来愿景。 早在20 世纪初期,骊住老牌公司的创始人就开启了创新时代,并制定了准则。基于这些准则,骊住成为了日本建筑和住宅行业受敬重的品牌。 目前,骊住品牌中包含的全球品牌也继承并延续了这种自 19 世...
2015年骊住株式会社将 GROHE Group S.a.r.l. 改造成为合并子公司。 2014年GROHE Group S.A.R.L. 成为骊住株式会社的权益法附属公司。 2013年美国美标品牌成为骊住株式会社的子公司。 2012年帕玛斯迪利沙承接了为伦佐·皮亚诺设计的伦敦碎片大厦打造建筑围护结构的项目。
In Japan, LIXIL's largest market, we offer our full range of products and services through our dedicated sales and distribution arm, LIXIL Japan Company (LJC), embodying the LIXIL Group's commitment to being a comprehensive living and housing solutions company. LJC's strength lies in its ...
分析 财政年度 以下为LIXIL Group Corp营收的最低一致预期数据要点 表现汇总 LIXIL下一财年的预估营收的最低一致预期是9.351十亿。 接下来 5 个财年,LIXIL的预估营收的最低一致预期均值是 9.683十亿。 接下来5个财年,LIXIL的营收的最低一致预期中值是9.575十亿。
LIXIL Group Corp说明 搜索公司或ETF 价格 10.30EUR 公允价值 –EUR 看涨 – 52周范围 9.45 - 12.30 创建图表创建模型添加至自选组合 分析 财政年度 以下为LIXIL Group Corp说明数据要点 LIXIL的说明是LIXIL Corporation, through its subsidiaries, operates water technology and housing technology business in Japan ...
LIXIL Group Corp (LIXIL): Making Better Homes a Reality for Everyone, EverywhereThe following sections are included:INTRODUCTIONARTICULATEASSIMILATEACTIVATECONCLUSIONdoi:10.1142/9789811221224_0005Mark ChongFlocy JosephWorld Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd....
SATO launches award-winning Tap in India Affordable, accessible, and innovative product will help improve hygiene across the subcontinent. Read More Introducing the Partnership for Better Living Cooperative agreement awarded by USAID to LIXIL Group and SATO Read More Newsroom...