Living With Hearing Loss How Many Ways Can You Say "What?" Why So Little Funding for Hearing Research? When Your Hearing Aid Settings Are Just Wrong Categories Categories Search Search for: Copyright Notice © Living With Hearing Loss. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material...
Welcome to Living With Hearing Loss—a hearing loss blog and online community written and managed by Shari Eberts.
Living with Hearing LossWord: 348 Time: 5minshen I was five, I was found to have a hearing loss. Getting hearing aids has made merealize how much I am really missing. I often couldn't hear someone talking across the room whenpeople around me were busily chatting. The background noise ...
Welcome to Living With Hearing Loss—a hearing loss blog and online community written and managed by Shari Eberts.
In adults, noise control, safe listening together with good ear health can help maintain good hearing and reduce the potential for hearing loss.Identification is the first step in dealing with hearing loss. Clinical screening at strategic points in life ensures that any loss of hearing and ear ...
Living with Hearing Loss in CameroonOur first son, Gerald Jr., was born in 1993. I began to suspect there was something wrong with his hearing near his second birthday because he still wasn't talking or responding to simple questions.Foinmbam, Felicia...
The overall focus ofThe Living with Hearing Loss Programis on helping people: Manage themselves--by reducing the physical/emotional/cognitive distress related to hearing loss:See Dr. Trychin's proactive technique in the "Living With Hearing Loss Program" ...
“The inner ear is one of the things that medical science knows the least about,” he says. “It’s cased in bone and there’s no surgery. But I’m taking stem-cell stuff and trying everything. With my hearing always fluctuating, my body is doing something itself. What I have to ...
We create and share innovative tools to help hearing care professionals address the psychological and social challenges of hearing loss and apply patient-centered care methods.
Nearly 2. 5 billion people worldwide—or 1 in 4 people—will be living with some degree of hearingloss by 2050," warns the World Health Organization's (WHO) first World Report on Hearing, At least700 million of these people will require ear and hearing care and other rehabilitationservices...