MALABSORPTION syndromesDIARRHEACONFIDENCE intervalsCONVENIENCE foodsFOOD intoleranceCROSS-sectional methodDAIRY productsCOMPARATIVE studiesBackground: The role of food in managing bile acid diarrhoea (BAD) is poorly understood. The present study explored the prevalence of food intolerance amongst a...
Malabsorption and malnutrition:The disease affects your small intestine, the part of your body that absorbs nutrients from food. After you’ve had it for a long time, your body may no longer be able to make the most of what you do eat. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO):Your gut...
Roelofsen et al. investigated the pharmacokinetics of TDF and emtricitabine as a PrEP in a non-obese patient who had undergone a full gastrectomy ~ 9 years prior to the PK analysis. With the standard dose of TDF/emtricitabine