Someone who is Docile, an introvert so to speak. Someone who needs to follw direction, rules and protocols. Someone who wants the security of knowing they are cared for. Someone who wants to unit with two to make three. Someone who want stability, someone who is treated fair and with ...
The things I’ve learned about being introverted and the strategies I’ve adopted over the past 12 years are now fully integrated into my life. You can find posts focusing on all aspects of life as an introvert in the Introverts' Cornerarchives, but today, as I step out of the co...
Wednesday morning for me, an uncomfortably familiar day. I bury one husband after 2½ years as his primary caregiver. Sudden changes in his health. Falls at home and other places. ER visits. Hospital stays. This husband, this day…urgent care, ambulance ride, AFib diagnosis, overnight hosp...
The last and most important factor in my decision to go was that the publicist said it was OK if I brought a friend. I like parties and they are part of my job, but an introvert in a room full of strangers is always better off with a friend at hand. ...
a complete, wonderful introvert, with an ability to pull out my extrovert side in limited quantities, am her constant companion. She’s an incredible person, loved by all, energetic and happy. I have nothing to complain about. I feel like I need to get away and I feel terrible about it...
So when a person dies you can still think of them, you’re just vibrating with them because they are still there, they are just not in physical form. Jess: They’re not necessarily lost. Clayton: Not at all. I remember we were looking for a place in London while I was there, an ...
Yes, I’m an introvert, but I thrive on transitory contact with people. On one hike I didn’t see a soul for five hours and it was horrible. I need people. I love Welsh people, like the man at the information centre who saw me passing and ran out with his hand-drawn directions ...
“well” financially. It’s all relative. It depends on my motives for wanting to live here. For me, I wanted a quieter, simpler lifestyle for many reasons. My health was at risk living in a fast paced environment, and I am an introvert so the “noise” of where I grew up was ...
husband (who was still wide awake) for help, I would have done so in an angry, frustrated state. When met with that heightened, angry and panicked state, my husband would have responded with his own saboteurs, and I know from past experiences this would have led to us both triggering ...
I have struggled with negative attitudes about this from others for all of the years I’ve been a stay-at-home mom. Not only am I doing almost everything here at home to keep it running, I am also an unpaid bookkeeper for my husband’s small business. It hurts when I hear “you ...