Tips for Living With Afib Life withatrial fibrillationhas its challenges, for sure. But with the right treatment and some lifestyle changes, you can stay active and energetic. Symptoms such asfatigue, shortness of breath, and a fast heartbeat can make it harder to get around and do your d...
Atrial fibrillation – AFib for short - is the most common type of irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmia). Some people with AFib have no symptoms at all, while others can have symptoms so severe they result in stroke, heart attack, or heart failure. Symptoms of AFib can include dizziness,...
Atrial fibrillation – AFib for short - is the most common type of irregular heartbeat (cardiac arrhythmia). Some people with AFib have no symptoms at all, while others can have symptoms so severe they result in stroke, heart attack, or heart failure. Symptoms of AFib can include dizziness,...
"People with AFib are overall five times more likely to have a stroke, though the individual risk can range anywhere from less than one percent to 20 percent depending on the presence of certain additional risk factors," Engelstein says. The risk of AFib-related stroke also increases with age...
The article focuses on atrial fibrillation (afib), its symptoms and control among men. Topics discussed include afib case determination, its common symptoms like shortness of breath and racing heartbeat, causes, anticoagulation risks and rhythm control. The options for controlling symptoms of afib ...
Also known as tachycardia-bradycardia syndrome, with this condition your heart alternates between beating too quickly and too slowly. You may get it if you have sick sinus syndrome, a problem in the part of the heart that regulates the speed of heartbeats. Having atrial fibrillation (AFib), a...
But if you start relying on these medications to consistently ease your symptoms, you could be making one of the biggest mistakes of your life. In recent years, the safety of these meds – both over-the-counter and prescription – has been called into question. And with all of the ...
After relating all of his symptoms to the Physicians Assistant, reading his EKG which clearly showed his “old friend Afib” had come back, all we were able to get accomplished were prescriptions for new meds that were “only a bandaid” until his two doctors, who were off that day, of...
AFib patients, even those with pacemakers, like Ben, are on blood thinners daily to prevent blood clots from forming. This particular device prevents such clots from forming, thus eliminating the need for patients to take blood thinners daily, which in Ben’s case have also caused a number of...
A cross-sectional study was designed to understand the impacts of “hikikomori” lifestyle on physical health. A total of 104 eligible hikikomori cases were recruited from the social services network of Hong Kong with a mean age of 19.02 ± 3.62 (ranged