Adult ADHDcan affect your whole life. But along withmedication, you can take steps to make your day-to-day a little easier. No single habit will fix everything. But a mix of lifestyle anddietchanges can help. Here are some strategies you might want to try. Get Good Nutrition ADHDraises...
Living Daily With Adult ADD or ADHD: 365 Tips o the DayDouglas A Puryear MD
I’ve done several book reviews in the past but I’ve never reviewed a children’s book….until now that is! My friend Jodie Isitt, fromAutism with Love, has recently published her first book. Jodie is a mum of 3 children with autism (one with PDA) and has recently braved the world...
Adults with ADHD often report episodes of long-lasting, highly focused attention, a surprising report given their tendency to be distracted by irrelevant information. This has been colloquially termed "hyperfocus" (HF). Here, we introduce a novel assessment tool, the "Adult Hyperfocus Questionnaire"...
As ADHD coaches we help adults and young people reach their goals and potential. Whether it's struggles with focus, function or feelings - coaching can help. Esther Barrett is a coach, teacher, trainer, supervisor and consultant. She specialises in Adult
Here is what you need to know when living with Aspergers spouse- For the adult with Asperger’s relationships offer their own emotional bond Part of the isolation faced with interpersonal difficulties means not having to be alone. Though their behaviors may undermine the fabric of their partnership...
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Addressing adult outcomes in those with ASD is critical not only for individuals, but for society as a whole. The economic burden of ASD is estimated to be approximately $460.8 billion in 2025, which is greater than that of other chronic conditions such as diabetes and ADHD (Leigh & Du, ...
but in terms of starting a business, writing a book, having a baby or getting married or setting off to walk across North America, “just knowing” comes up all the time. Learn to recognise, work with and trust your inner voice, and just as importantly, listen when you get that feeling...
I once knew a family whose adult sons lived at home. It was in part due to a cultural norm (they were originally from a culture where adult children stayed with their parents, bringing new spouses into the house when they married). However, the parents in this family did everything for...