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The fluorescence of the organisms was examined using a confocal microscope equipped with Kr/Ar mixed gas laser (Bio-Rad MRC 1024 UV; Bio-Rad, Hercules, California, US) using excitation wavelengths 488 nm and the emission has been detected after passing a bandpass filter of 522/35 nm. The ...
This will reduce the amount of special attention that your lawn needs, such as cutting and watering. For example, if you live in a particularly hot part of the world, choose grass that does not need a lot of moisture to stay healthy. Talk to someone who is an expert in turf, so ...
To wit, Blow is performing withThe Hip Hop Nutcracker, in which Tchaikovsky’s classic score is set to breakdancing and modern hip-hop dance; the emcee will perform a brief set to kick off each show. A nationwide tour kicks off in Southern California in November and concludes at...
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For example, according to the theory, collective restoration is more likely to occur when whole communities are restoring from usual demands (Hartig et al., 2013) and ideally it would be measured at a community level (Hartig, 2021). More sophisticated testing of the theories in future will ...
Our genome assemblies from both host tissue and diffuse vent fluids likely represent the dominant symbiont strain in each sample, but do not reveal the full extent of strain-level population variation between samples. To determine whetherA. hesslerisymbionts form subpopulations consistent with geography...
A sensitivity analysis will be conducted utilizing only available viral load chart data to compare with the results assuming missing viral load equals non-suppression. Interim analyses {21b} Interim analyses are completed to monitor sample characteristics across screening data (e.g., the proportion of...
(see Supplementary Table1for a list of countries and territories in each region, and regions in each super-region). This structure allowed the model to share information across units to a greater degree when data were non-existent or weakly informative (for example, had a small sample size ...
He said, “It would be better not to use.“ He said, “Because it makes you a more positive person so that the medicine will work better.” Because by using drugs it interrupts stuff, and […] it [HIV] wasn’t clearing up because I continued to use. Notably, while Wynn missed ...