living will 生前遗嘱 advance health care directive 预先医疗护理指示 (事前医疗护理指示)health care proxy 医疗议理委托书 durable power of attorney 长期(有效)授权书
Living will(生前预嘱)是预立医疗指示(advance directive)最早的形式,最初由伊利诺伊州一位名叫路易斯·库特纳的律师在1969年的一份法律期刊上提出。现行的财产法允许个人对身故后的财产事务提前做好安排,库特纳从中获得灵感提出了让个人提前表明在身体无法自主时想要得到的医疗护理要求。因为这种“嘱愿”要在个人活着(...
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Other Names:Advance DirectiveAdvance Healthcare DirectiveMedical DirectiveAdvance Medical DirectiveAdvance Health Care Directive What we’ll cover What is a Living Will? A Living Will is a legal document that outlines your wishes with regard to health care, such as your request for or refusal of ...
Every state provides for the drafting of a living will, although some states call the document a medical directive or a health-careproxy. Some states let you prepare a detailed, customized living will, while others require you to fill out a standardized form. ...
Make a living will (advance directive) with LegalZoom. Ensure your decisions are followed if you are incapable of making them by creating a living will.
This Family Law kit includes 2 copies of each important legal form (fill-in-the-blanks) including Last Will and Testament, Durable Power of Attorney and a Living Will - Healthcare Directive forms. Each of the legal forms comes with a quick reference guide to assist you in completing the...
Right about now we should clarify something: Some states like to be special and come up with their own name for a living will (likedirective to physicians,advance health care directive, ordeclaration regarding life-prolonging procedures). Sometimes they even get lazy and useliving willandadvance ...
The directive may also include the refusal to take artificial feeding. Aside from that, you may even express other specific wishes before you become incapacitated to make decisions for your health care.In order for the living will to be legally binding, the appropriate form must be utilized and...
As part of your living will, which is also known as an advance directive, you can also name a healthcare proxy, also called a health care surrogate, durable medical power of attorney, or medical power of attorney. This person is someone who you have authorized to make medical d...