Howlin’ Wolf, with Lucky Lopez joining Hubert Sumlin on guitar, stretches out to nearly 17 minutes on Hard Luck Blues, the 1950 Roy Brown classic that Wolf had waxed for Chess just two weeks before, and the disc concludes with Otis Rush’s So Many Roads, So Many Trains. Muddy Waters ...
scrumptious snacks and desserts made all the better because they were ours. All ours. We slept on the ground, cooked over a campfire, drank water from a not-so-nearby spring, made an outdoor privy surrounded by blooming rhododendron. In that 1979 July we bathed in the frigid waters of ...
Despite the over-abundance of information on which I do daily dine, (much of it banal and located entirely elsewhere), I find that I’ve grown up in a time of intense amnesia regarding the eco-mythic information of the ground that trembles beneath my feet and the waters that flow through...
Our forecast did not look great as we approached Hatteras – there was a low pressure system lurking off Hatteras that had the potential to develop into a northern fringe tropical storm, and the forecast for the offshore waters was for a near gale of 20-30 knots from the South. As Robin...
As he penned his memoir fifty years later, he wrote, “Perpetually bent at the sacroiliac, he could nonetheless leap from the piano stool, pluck his violin for a few bars of ‘Buttercup,’ then pound the keys again from a crouched position and, between chords, bare-handedly conduct the ...