LIFE skillsINTELLECTUAL disabilitiesCHILDREN with intellectual disabilitiesYOUNG adultsINDEPENDENT livingAUGMENTED realityDEVELOPMENTAL disabilitiesPOKEMON GoIndependent living is recognized as a marker of adulthood. For individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, however, the need for continued ...
As hard as it might be to imagine, there are people working in the social services field who aren't as well trained as they might be. This doesn't mean that they work for a "bad" agency or that we need to change the whole service delivery system. It means that those staff people ...
The adults teach them these skills. There are several free hours each day. Weekends are free, too. During the free hours some of the teenagers learn photo taking or painting. Others sit around and talk or sing. Each teenager choose his own way to spend his free time....
adults to integrate society by providing them with training in mobility, orientation, daily living skills and education. 它还在正规学校中开 设 了教学单元, 帮 助视力受损 儿童和成 人 通过运 动、定位 、日常生活技能 和教育培训融入社会。 [...] by th...
These deficits in adoles- cence are associated with poor outcomes, in both employment and independent living skills as adults. Currently, there are no interventions that directly target daily living skill acquisition in adolescents with ASD without an intellectual disability to facilitate a successful ...
The aim of the present study was to examine if activities of daily living performance skills differ between adults with mild and moderate intellectual disability. Three hundred and forty-eight participants with either mild intellectual disability (n = 178) or moderate intellectual disability (n = ...
In Vivo Amplified Skills Training: Promoting Generalization of Independent Living Skills for Clients with Schizophrenia. Presents an In Vivo Amplified Skills Training (IVAST) case study to illustrate the use of medication management in the attainment of personal goals. Obstac... Liberman,P Robert,Gly...
Abstract Reasons for living can be conceptualized as an individual’s reasons for choosing to continue to live when faced with the thought of suicide. The theory behind the study of reasons for living is that as negative beliefs contribute to the development of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, so...
Informal caregivers generally lack specialized care knowledge and skills training, and they tend to focus on health care for the “dysfunction” itself, ignoring the importance of using preventive health services, especially for older adults with ADL limitations [36, 37]. Meanwhile, due to limited ...
The aim of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of an animation-based teaching package on the acquisition of three daily living skills based on the performance of three middle school students with mild or moderate intellectual disability. An animation-based teaching package was designed to...