For more information have a look over the Oyster Pier brochure Press Oyster Pier in the news Our press coverage Create Your Own Bespoke Barge Unique Riverside Lease Through 2130 No Stamp Duty on Barge Excellent Long-Term Investment Walk-thru Video ...
Welcome to A Home Afloat. This project started out many years ago when I lived on a barge called Maria Cornelia. She was a beautiful old ship that had not been treated very kindly for some years. I spent several years restoring her and on a whim put her
However, they sneakily had put a 10% discretionary charge on but half way through the list of items so we would not recognise. This was too late as we only noticed after we paid. But that is just pathetic!I wouldn't touch this place with a barge pole again. if you...
"I'm going to walk around a bit, to think." He put some clothes on before walking out of the room.Hugo's heart was pounding in his chest. 'I just said that I love him. Why did that feel... Right? I don't think I've felt this way with anyone else, though. Fuck, I don'...
When persistence status was missing (n = 52 (2.1%)), symptoms reported on the previous six questionnaires were used to impute the status when possible. For example, if a participant with missing persistence data reported a symptom at the Exit but did report the symptom on any of the...
So, over the last 5 years in the US, I’ve noticed some differences in the way customers react to customer service agents compared to how they do (or at least, did) in the UK. Here is a fictional scenario based on many, many, MANY interactions I’ve had!
Job done. I replaced the guttering myself on that house – for the cost of an aluminium ladder and the materials, which was a lot cheaper than when I had that job done on this house; I was time-poor and wanted the soffit and bargeboads changed to uPVC which wasn’t within my ...
Thanks for joining us – Frank, Ruth, Bosun, Brody and our lovely barge Thirza! Maassluis to Middelkerke We left Maassluis at 7:15am on Thursday 27th August, having had a relaxing and enjoyable time with our good friends, Michel and Nadja. We had planned to leave Monday but Storm Franci...
This needs to be managed sooner rather than later and agree with others to get in touch with age UK or your local authority. I'm suprised you have managed to carry on for so long since your wifes death if I'm honest, but I'm sure you have had so much on your plate. ...
You found a new path in the city to walk through, one where there were no locks on gates and the dogs could run free. There was beauty in the world and life is good. It really is lovely and quiet. You woke up one day and it was April. The leaves were budding. The birds were ...