• If you would like to be your own bank, funding big ticket items with retirement funds, paying interest to yourself rather than a bank, this could work for you. Fortunately, the tax-free retirement solution addresses all of the above. ...
Paquin of Investment Zen asserts that self-made millionaires know every dollar saved is a dollar you don’t have to work for. Even better, it is a dollar that will start earning interest and grow into more dollars. Make sure you get your company match and max out your 401k and other ta...
Paid off mortgage early in 10 years–and have lived in the same adorable cape cod home for over 45 years, never paid a dime in interest or had any credit card debt, put both kids through college with no debt, drove slightly used cars for almost 20 years each, do many of the chores...
Mary Hunt's Debt-Proof Living is the best way to get out of debt. Learn how to get out of debt fast using frugal living tips and the credit card interest calculator to strengthen your financial stability.
I don’t have any less fun than most and I don’t worry about a bill I can’t pay or one I need to pay off over time with interest when I get back. My budget is based on what I can afford without adding any debt. Interest is bad mojo when I must pay it to someone else. ...
they're invited to share their passions with the world. And I think the work that you and I do is a clear example of that. The way you guide people through B-School is like, "Here's what I'm passionate about. Tell me about yours. And even if I have no interest in it, I care...
Automate – I set up my student loan payment to automatically withdraw from my account each month. Plus, you get a .25% interest rate deduction for doing this! These steps helped me pay off $25,000 in student loan debt in two years. Some people might disagree with this move, but I ...
Savings order of operations for rookies: 1) Matching any available 401k, 403b, or 457b at your job, 2) Basic savings of 1x month expenses (min $1.5k), and 3) High-Interest Savings of 3-6 months (min $5k). Once you accomplished that, make the upgrade to take full advantage of ...
Lately though I’ve been working on transitioning to doing web applications using RIA tools like Adobe Flex thru independent learning and it’s been fun doing that actually as I’ve finally found a perfect tool that has allowed me to express my personal interest in photography and website ...
Director is a foolish a_ _ and only cares about herself instead of taking interest in residence and employees! She has no clue of what she’s doing and fixes books! I should have known the devil was in this place because like Jesus I had a warm greeting before being crucified!