Church we go to Byron van der Merwe’s blog Invite Byron to speak at your event About Living in Victory MinistriesByron and Tammie van der Merwe Living in Victory Ministries was started by Byron and Tammie van der Merwe. Byron and Tammie have been married for eleven years and have two...
做活水人: 各人要照所得的恩赐彼此服侍,作神百般恩赐的好管家。《彼得前书4:10》 神必救赎我的灵魂脱离阴间的权柄,因祂必收纳我。 《诗篇49:15》 耶稣说: “凡父所赐给我的人,必到我这里来;到我这里来的,我总不丢弃他。” 《约翰福音6:37》 耶稣说: “我就是生命的粮,到我这里来的,必定不饿;信...
以赛亚书36-39,王下18-20, 代下28-32 希西家王的一生 旧约中三卷书都详细介绍希西家王的故事,必有圣灵的用心良苦。上帝为了叫我们思考他的一生:如何蒙主恩待?如何转悲为喜?如何得意忘形?好让我们的一生都知道並遵行耶和华的法则,随时随处、倚靠真神真主、真真正正、实实在在,胜过各种災禍,完全出死入生,得著...
v=FGTOmooLtCE 韓國詩歌 – 神啊!我心堅定於你(My heart is steadfast,Oh God) 韓國詩歌- 再一次( 예수님 그의 희생 기억할 때 )(once again) 韓國詩歌-超乎一切(모든 능력...
IMDb Answers: Help fill gaps in our data Learn more about contributing Edit page List New and Upcoming Sci-Fi and Fantasy See our picks List New Sequels, Prequels, and Spin-Offs See the list Recently viewed Please enable browser cookies to use this feature.Learn more....
SACRAMENTO — For the third time in a month, a Sacramento church caught fire. Sacramento firefighters once again navigated the smoke and flames at Victory Tabernacle Family Worship Center in Del Paso Heightson Wednesday. "It's unknown there's been three separate fire incidents here," Sac...
My website: (it is still a work in progress). MAKE SURE YOU SUBSCRIBE IF YOU HAVEN’T YET! Background Music by Brother… Read More Sermons Passion for the Lord, Passion for the Lost admin2 years ago02 mins This is a sermon I preached at my church, Mathete...
destiny and purpose for our lives.We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and man is the only One who can reconcile us to God. He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory over death and empower us for life....
In the church, some roles seem thankless but are just as vital as the “big ones” like the preacher and the worship leader. Is the person who cleans the bathrooms a vital part of the Body? You bet. What if that person decided to quit and not do his or her part? I don’t think...