The constant proliferation of digitization is increasingly penetrating all areas of life and requires greater awareness and improved skills to handle processes based on information and communication technologies (ICT) and digital transformation (DT). In addition, the use of applications and ICT is preval...
Unit 3 Living in a digital world Livinginadigitalworld Video-watching:Lookup Understanding:•Whatdoesthespeakerintendtoconvey?Leading-in:digitalnatives Phub(Phone+Snub冷落)PhubbingStopphubbingphubber低头族 Leading-inQuestions:1.Whatdoyouusuallyusecellphones/computersfor?Writingpapers,dealingwithfiles,making...
网络数字世界;生活在数字世界;数字新纪元 网络释义
Afterlearningthisunit,youwillbeableto:•useintonationproperly•expressopinions•usesignpostlanguageinapresentation•illustratehowdigitaltechnologieshavebeenused inculturalconservationinChinaDigitaltechnologiescanmakeourlifeeasierorharder,dependingonhowweusethem.Workinpairsanddiscusshowdigitaltechnologieshaveinfluencedthe...
Unit1–Livinginadigitalworld MsFahmeedaKhan 1.Letscommunicate Choosingaphone •Pictureresolution–highertheresolution,the betterthequality(pixels) •Cameraresolution–highertheresolution,the moredetailthecamerapicksup,butpicturefiles canbeverybig(megapixels(MP)) •Storagecapacity–internalmemory(gigabytes (...
可能的答案:We can prepare ourselves by learning and understanding digital technology, improving our digital literacy, learning how to use the Internet safely, and how to protect our privacy and security in the digital world. 为了适应数字世界,我们需要提升数字素养,包括学习和理解数字技术,安全使用互联网...
Well, I definitely don't want to live in the world of the last game I just played. Since that would bring about World War 3. However, if I had to choose a world to live in - it would be the world of Pokemon. It just seems like such a cool world, and most importantly you don...
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