In short, what all of this means is that is if you want something, make it come true now. Don’t think about what you could’ve done or plan to do it another day. The present is what counts, don’t allow your life to pass by before your eyes without any meaning....
Inspiring as it seems on first inspection, the self-help motto "live in the present" rapidly loses its meaning. What would living in the present mean? To live each day as if it were your last, without a thought for the future, is simply a recipe for (1)___. The idea that one ca...
The easiest way to explain living in the present is to start by explaining what it means to not be present, since this is the state we have become habitually used to. When you aren’t being present you become a victim of time. Your mind is pulled into the past or the future, or bo...
"alive, not dead," also "residing, staying," present-participle adjective from live… See origin and meaning of living.
nouncreature,being,thing,body,animal,structure,beast,entity,living thing,critter(U.S. dialect)Not all chemicals present in living organisms are harmless. Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 ...
Exploring the child's present well-being in narrative relation to past and future, our assessment captured and gave meaning to the complexity of child exposure and behavior. At the same time, independent parent and child appraisals provided an additional richness to the retelling and evaluation of...
it did not have public security problems in the past; however, if someone asks me “given a chance to choose the best time to live, which is your favorite?” I would tell him resolutely that I like living in the present. Why to live in the present is my favorite, it is...
livinginthepresent “Yesterdayishistory.Tomorrowismystery.Todayisagift.That’swhyit’scalledpresent.”Whoputitso?I’mnotsure,nordoIcare,butIdolikeit.Why?BecauseI’vetastedtherealflavorofthesayingthroughmyownexperience. BacktothefirstdaysIenteredmycollege,Iwasmoresadandlostthanexcited.Seeingso...
Be it defilement or bodhi, they are both within the scope of living.The meaning of living is important to all of us, and the Chan spirit in living is of great significance in the sense of its contribution to the harmony of life. Living could only be meaningful when it is without bondag...
“Philosopher"hasbecomemerelyatermofsocialcompliment.Anyonewhoisabstruseandunintelligibleiscalled"aphilosopher."Anyonewhoisunconcernedwiththepresentisalsocalled"aphilosopher."Andyetthereissometruthinthelattermeaning. TheonlyproblemunconsciouslyassumedbyallChinesephilosopherstobeofanyimportanceis:howshallweenjoylife,andwh...