We often hear from those in Law-keeping camps, “Choose ye this day Whom you will serve!” and “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (YHWH)!” (Joshua 24:15) In the New Covenant, walking in His Spirit is the way to serve God. Those in Christ are led by His Spiri...
O Lord God, I come to you in the Holy Name of Jesus. I come to ask for your forgiveness for all the times I have not taken delight in your Holy Word and I also repent of all my sins which I have still been holding on to. I ask in faith that by your Holy Spirit, I choose ...
These are the activists taking concrete action in the tangible world (as opposed to the ethereal laziness of the intellectual world) first to make themselves as independent as possible from the mainstream grid, thereby removing themselves as a potential refugee or looter in the event of national c...