Latter-day Saint Girl from Viral Side-Eyeing Meme Shares the Story Behind Her Accidental Rise to Fame 2019-08-15 It's not every day that you see "the patron saint… 4 Ways to Reduce Anxiety, According to the Scriptures 2019-07-30 ...
t cloud the aesthetic virtues of Meme Noir. There’s abundant evidence, within its pages, that we’re in the presence of a true artist, from which we have much to learn. Should literary anthropologists decode Meme Noir 500 years thence, they’ll exclaim “Wow! So that’s what it was ...
Often taking on the role of the jester, Oleszko considers the artist’s position as someone who, in her words, can “speak the truth—and get away with it.” The jester makes a physical appearance here as an outlined figure in the work of Anna-Sophie Berger. In lunch, a transparent ...
the token gave her entry to apartment 501 which was like nothing she had ever seen in her life. Two bedrooms, a huge living area, even a kitchen. There was a bathroom in each of the bedrooms, and the
but truth is, most of the time, shopping doesn’t make me happy. Shopping can actual make me pretty miserable, considering I’m plus-size and have a difficult time finding things that fit me properly. However, there are two stores in this world that never fail to bring a smile to my...
I have seen the meme about the circus coming to town and ‘you know who’ as the head clown. It does seem a possibility. Americans have voted saying they want the one who playfully lies, who seems to wear a disguise of having ‘something’ – I can’t even identify what it is. Rea...
It’s like a meme that pre-dated the internet. But the context of this beloved verse, as some of you well know, doesn’t lend itself to the kind of blank check that ‘90s Christian T-shirt manufacturers would like you to believe. The apostle Paul isn’t facing giants, he’s practici...
In January I saw a meme that went: “There are three places I’m not going this year. Above and beyond, out of my way, and the extra mile.” And I am owning that shit. I wasn’t about to cancel my trip. My mother was fine. Two of my brothers who live closer to her than ...
Akhir kata, menghidupkan sentuhan personal dalam kardus packing memang memerlukan sedikit kreativitas dan pertimbangan, tetapi hasilnya bisa menyentuh jauh lebih dalam dari yang Anda bayangkan. Sederhananya, kemasan Anda adalah duta pertama yang bertemu dengan pelanggan, dan penampilan pertama ini bis...
Jika si inang ini rusak karena ekosistem alaminya terganggu maka si Rafflesia juga sulit tumbuh, demikian ujar Sofi. Keunikan sekaligus tantangan ini yang membuat bunga Rafflesia sulit dimanipulasi oleh peneliti. Di Kebun Raya Bogor sendiri sejak 2010 sudah memekarkan 13 bunga Rafflesia di ...