First, when Trash sold the home Mexico home we lived in, the home was sold with items he stole from me. I never thought I’d get them back. However, the new owners found out about the situation and returned some belongings that Trash had taken. I was able to get rid of the cheap ...
Everything on living in Hoi An after almost 6 months here. This post started out as a bit of a whinge about how dull it was sitting still for a couple of months but in our second month, after starting this post in the wee small hours, we went out for breakfast and a bike ride a...
I don’t have the answer because I have my own devil hoe, that harrowing sense of loneliness, I don’t find it funny enough to personify it and give it a cute name, but I wrestle with it every day. Not all day, because I like to shit in private and I value my me-time to put...
Comments on a recent Reddit post mentioned a gratitude for what had been reasonable housing costs in the past and the quality of outdoor opportunities. A post mentioned Wenatchee would be an "excellent place to be if society collapses" because of our cheap electricity and agricultural base. Low...