Live Stream Memorial Service Live Stream Donate SUNDAY GATHERINGS 9:00 AM Fellowship Groups meet 10:15 AM Coffee and Fellowship time 10:45 AM Worship Service and online with livestream * Children’s and Youth Ministries available all morning...
LEARN MORE We’d love to help you take the next step to grow in your faith. We have next steps for every part of your journey with Jesus so you can discover and live the life that God created for you. +Hope Kids+J High+Youth+Mens Thing+Flourish+Serve You can also connect with us...
I hope I will be a help and a comfort to her and her young family. 7. I am Lars Wandelin, and I’m from Sweden. I’m a watchmaker, and I joined the Church in Denmark. I don’t have many worldly possessions and couldn’t carry them in a handcart if I did, but I do have ...
I have worked in hospice, critical care, etc. for decades and I was glad to be able to care for my patients, my mother and others so that they had dignity, comfort and emotional support at the end of life. I hope these resources from HALO can help bring vital information, peace and ...
This is what I have done, or hope I have done as an Auntie—exactly like Mame did. But not just as an aunt, I firmly believe the “Banquet Mentality” is at the core of my life’s philosophy and if when I am gone, people say about me “She knew how to LIVE!” I will have ...
Living Water Church一周天气预报 3月7日(今天) 3月8日(周六) 3月9日(周日) 3月10日(周一) 3月11日(周二) 1℃/14℃ 白天:晴 夜间:大部分多云 西北风 微风 2℃/14℃ 白天:间歇多云 夜间:部分多云 西南风 微风 3℃/16℃ 白天:间歇多云 夜间:部分多云 东南风 微风 7℃/17℃ 白天:多云有阵雨...
(as expressed in the variety of images presented in the exhibit), the message is the same: that He is the very Son of God, who created the universe, intercedes on our spiritual behalf, heads this Church and is the hope of all the world. The works of art selected for this exhibit ...
something more to learn-and because I am infinitely curious I am fairly certain I will have plenty to keep me occupied. So today, I am inspired to celebrate learning by sharing these wonderful quotes. I hope they inspire you to keep learning all along the way. Have a wonderful Thursday ...
I just hope there is a light at the end of the tunnel in the form of a majority that can override Deal’s veto. But that road looks a lot like a Georgia road in an episode of The Walking Dead. We need everyone to speak up. Please call and email your state senators, ...
But when I walk down the streets of this city, I think, “I love it. I still love it.” I don’t know if Erik and I will stay here forever. A lot of people also ask us if we are planning on staying in the city or where we hope to end up. There are a lot of places I...