On the other hand, the church can be the hope of the world, but only when it returns to Christ.” Bring the church back to the center of the human race by bringing Christ back to the center of the church. Inspire More Leaders. Touch and transform hearts. In all places God has cal...
In all of this my hope is to encourage all of you seniors, men and women in the body of Christ. You have not only an opportunity, but a duty to put your years of experience to good use. In our society you might not get the respect that elders in the early church received. Maybe...
Today, the first Sunday of Advent, we lit the Hope candle. We have been entrusted with the message of hope that Jesus brought to Judea some 2000 years ago. Jesus said that the Temple would be destroyed, but everything would be OK. He said that people would faint from fear and forebodin...
TheChristian conflictwithRomein the first centuryChurchappointed by Christ was because they would not apply to thefathersof the earthfor theirfree breadbut instead relied upon a voluntarynetworkproviding adaily ministrationto the needy of society throughFaith,Hope, andCharityby way offreewill offering...
What is the structure of any denomination? Is it connectional or centralized? Is there a bishop, or are the higher courts of the church democratic? How much input is given to local congregations? How does the congregation see itself? Is it growing, helpless, declining, missional, inbred, ...
I hope all of you have had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. We have been really busy with everything going on here these days. I blame the 20 kids! However, we really have not been good at keeping you all in the loop. This is a recap of the last 3 month. As always, thank...
I hope so, because according to God’s Word, the act of physical death is not the doorway to heaven! Nobody goes to The Kingdom of Heaven to be with Jesus at the moment of death because Jesus is alive! Death is a curse not a cure. Death is still the wages of sin (Romans 6:...
Open Document Effectively, living a Christian life in Romans 6-8, Paul markedly illustrates the shift in the old nature has a conflicting disposition against God; the new nature has a favorable disposition toward God, a renewed birth. Paul sought to impart how the Gospel can change our life,...
denomination, but she had talked too much about Orthodoxy and had been put out, literally – out the front door, “goodbye”. She had nowhere to go and no resources. Father Tom and his family took her into their home, and he helped her get established again in the Orthodox Church....
Because you’re still clinging to that tiny piece of hope that there will suddenly be a miracle. A child’s death is still something that should never happen. Time heals, but there are certain things that not even time can completely heal. And all we can do is cling to our faith. ...