Our focus is on an ever-deepening relationship with God, the restoration of the Church, and the proclamation of the good news of the Kingdom of God expressed to the whole world.LOCATIONS TEACHINGS What's Happening Stay up to date about the latest news and events. Subscribe to the Weekly...
Click hereto order your copy of Rev. Tony Cooke's bookMagnificent Jesus, or pick one up in the church bookstore today! Check out all the ways to get connected at Living Word this month! ...Let no man deceive you, he that practices righteousness is righteous. ...
Living Word Christian Church Please Join Living Word For Church On Facebook Live AtLiving Word Christian Church or YouTube at LWCC Live Stream – Sunday’s at 11 a.m. and Wednesday’s at 7:00 p.m. Our Vision Our vision is to save lost souls, care for the spiritually injured, and tr...
These small groups meet in homes in the Coulee Region throughout the month for fellowship and encouragement around God’s Word. More → Kids Our secure and age-relevant ministry and activities for children will have your kids excited to come to church! More → Youth Our goal is to help ...
The Official Living Faith Christian Church App The new Living Faith Christian Church App is a way for you to connect with LFCC, watch services, find bible study resources, and more! With the Living Faith Christian Church App, you can: ...
Several years ago, Living Light Christian Church purchased and renovated the former YWCA building to bring new life and activity to the community. We are honored to continue a long standing tradition of serving the community from this beautiful facility located right in the heart of downtown Racin...
We’re a church family that is passionate about our relationship with Father God and uncovering His design for our lives. All are welcome. Join us for a service this Sunday!
Church smites IRS in info showdown; In a case with broad ramifications, a federal judge sided with Living Word Christian Center.(NEWS)Smith, Mary Lynn
To give you hope in a world gone astray, The King James Bible is a good version to read. Start with the New Testament, the Book of John, then Matthew, Mark, & Luke. “as newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:if so be ye have tasted that...