our own civilization, leading to capabilities to transform matter that were not present before this innovation, or how humanities invention of science led to the capacity for physical systems to be launched from Earth into space, which was not possible before knowledge of the law of gravitation (...
The “Hall of Faith,” found in Hebrews 11, is a celebrated passage in the New Testament that highlights numerous individuals from the Old Testament who demonstrated extraordinary faith in God. This chapter serves as an inspirational reminder of the power and importance of faith, showcasing a di...
But now they could not turn back, for they had come too close to the unseen cross of the spiritual life, and its virtues had pierced them too deeply. And the Lord was fulfilling this promise of His to them: “I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to Myself”...
Our atmosphere protects earth from harsh radiation. A break will be caused and the sky will turn RED. People will die. Not from the radiation but from fear of what has come upon the earth. Men’s hearts will fail for fear. I do not know what this would do to life on earth. Oddly ...
The last priceless whinge was “Has the government committed an own goal to match Gordon Brown’s 10p tax rate blunder? Only time will tell. The budget was certainly tough, but was it fair? Not from where I’m standing. One thing I do know, though, is that there will be a lot of...
‘I love you from the bottom of my pencil case’. Just perfect. I love you from the bottom, of my pencil case I love you in the songs, I write and sing Love you because, you put me in my rightful place And I love the PRS cheques, that you bring ...