Involuntary childlessness is a global phenomenon that negatively impacts the couple, or the family involved. The experiences of women living with involuntary childlessness have not been well documented in the literature, specifically in the Ugandan conte
It's also given him the ability to self-fund his latest business venture as the founder and face of Midlife Male Ventures, which helps men maximize middle age through his best-selling book, podcast, newsletter, and coaching. “I wish I’d started investing earlier,” says Scheinman. “I ...
After she left, her soulful eyes looking at me sideways under long lashes, I thought about Misty in her midlife prime, having lived a difficult life but finding peace (and sweet grass) on the South Downs and realised we had a lot in common. If you’ve read Cheat Play Live you’ll kn...
This week’s little phrasefloats through my mind..“let them not…” I remember releasing my children; dropping them off at college or the military depot and driving away almost breathless, desperately hoping that they would “make good choices.” ...
In theory you can switch cards using the app, but that didn’t work for me. There is some weirdness with that account in that I opened it more than twenty years ago with my staff pass card from The Firm when Barclays opened a branch on site, so it’s never gone through all the ...
The Midlife Maze: Juggling Jobs and Jitters Body Changes, Work Stress and Relationship Blues Golden Years: Making Peace with Loneliness and Health Concerns Family Stress: Parenting Challenges and Solutions Balancing Career, Home and Self-Care
However, some couples may also cease their sexual intimacy due to: childbirth; pursuing a career; midlife crisis; an out-of-marriage affair. That, unfortunately, is also the reality. Living together without love or physical intimacy is “living separate lives”-it may also be due topornography...
Jimmy Page and Robert Plant (1998):Wisely, this is not 'Led Zeppelin 2.1' or even 'Out Through the In Door.' Instead, Page and Plant stick closer to the folk and world explorations of the singer's acclaimed solo career. The best moments, such as "Blue Train" and "When the World Wa...
Escaping from reality, it is a fairy tale island; truly, in the old town most of the houses are one story tall and the oldest (still occupied) dates back to 1645. The streets are lined with hollyhocks and roses. In the main town strolling through the streets I took a photo of a par...
The grocer’s daughter backfilled the hole in the Government’s finances before launching her tax cuts, largely through the free gift of North Sea oil, and selling off anything publicly owned that wasn’t nailed down. The personal finance motto holds – save before you spend on elective nice...